Sunday, November 16, 2008


I seriously thinking of doing a tattoo on my lower backside, I've been planning for years but still don't have the guts to do it...when i saw my friends with a super cool design on his or her body....gosh...i felt so jealous...

But..i scared the pain and the sound of the tattoo machine...that's why i am afraid to meet the dentist too...the Zizzzz..Zizzzz...sound really really annoyed me..but i'd decided to put away all my fears and go for it!! i'm doing a tattoo this month!!! I'd already printed out my design and i will put on my MP3 to ignore the annouying Zizzzz..Zizzzz..sound.

I will not ask for my parents permission since every time I brought up that idea, my parents said something along the lines of, “We’re kicking you out of the house AND we’re not paying for your grad school tuition if we saw some painting on your body!!

Some of my girl friends reports that getting a tattoo is the second most painful experience of their life, next to childbirth. Boys said :'' nothing...just like ant bites..." So i will never know which one of them is true until i experience it on my own...i'm going to....HAHAHA

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