Sunday, April 6, 2008

( ' _'lll)

OMG!!!! i have one week leave to prepare for my final year project....and that's it...end of my " school stuff ". Sometimes i try to imagine the day i graduate......erm.....ok...nevermind...i don't care so much anyway because i have had a job before i graduate....a good one i think....yeah i will go back and help my daddy....i know what you guys trying to say.....don't dare to face the real life, daddy's little girl, no ambition.....WHATEVER!!!!

different people with different thought, for me helping my daddy is a great job and i can learn way to survive like everyone else, but the different is i learn it from my dad. i believe he'll teach me as much as he knows to make sure his little girl learn how to live without his guide in the future...and i will appreciate that my whole life......

i am so thankful to know my next step is going to be easier than most other people that have to work and struggle in a new and strange environment.....they will get use to it after a while anyway, but i just skip that part and i should be so thankful........i still can survive like them i believe......hehe

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